The Origin of Kempo dates back to China, it’s called Ch’uan Fa which translates to “Law of the fist”.

Kempo also owes its development to some of the Ju- Jitsu Schools that flourished in the days of the Japanese Samurai.


Kempo” the “Fist Way” was the system of Attack-Defence, which branches off from Ju-Jitsu into the paths of strenuous endeavour, but, apart from the fact that it was less scientific than Ju-Jitsu, it was declared as an ILLEGAL practice, when the sanctity of human life was recognised under the new regime. As it seems Ju-Jitsu is using the principles of Defence-Attack, where as Kempo is uses Attack-Defence.


To achieve we must first believe

According to “Kokumin Hyakka Jitten” the Japanese Encyclopaedia Published in 1966 by the Heibonsha Firm Kempo’s origin is rooted within the Old Ju-Jitsu Ryus, such as Sekeguchi, Shibukawa, Kito, Jikishin, and the Tenshin-Shinyo, Some Schools taught the Special Weapons Techniques of Yawarra for Self-Defence, others preferred Tai-Jitsu with its Grappling and throwing forms of Kempo which stresses: Punching, Kicking, and Breaking Techniques,

In the year of 1659, a Chinese Master named Cheung Tsu U, arrived in the Province of EDO. While staying at the Kokuseyi Temple, Cheng Tsu U impressed the observant Samurai with Demonstrations of his Art, which resembled Pugilism, (the Art of Fighting with the Fist.)

During the latter part of the 16th Century, the Kempo System of Ju-Jitsu had become formalised into a distinct System of Self-Defence, employing both Hand and Weapon Techniques. Between the 17th-19th Centuries, additional Ryus, teaching various Self-Defence forms were referred to as Ju-Jitsu.

The major Difference between Ju-Jitsu and Kempo is, while Ju-Jitsu is “SOFT-WAY”-, or “GENTLE ART”, KEMPO is the “HARD- WAY” or “HARD ART”. Ju-Jitsu is stressing a hard Technique to finish an opponent; KEMPO on the other hand is using a HARD TECHNIQUE to Start a SELF-DEFENCE Technique Combinations.

Today, Kempo, like it’s sister arts, is a sport of physical exercise, and a means of Self-Defence.



All of our dojo’s abide by the Zen Bu Kan Kempo Code of Ethics.


Each of us has if even to a small degree some idea of the concepts evolved in each of the eight. But look truly into ourselves and ask the Question: ‘When was the last time we observed any of them?’.

If, ‘ZEN BU KAN KEMPO’ is to mean anything in our society, each of us present to-day must constantly strive to cultivate and strengthen that which is lacking in our characters. For it is the cultivation of these better sides of human nature; that the true WAY of the WARRIOR exists! Each of our students present must also strive to develop the eight concepts of our code, in all of the students evolved in “ZEN BU KAN KEMPO” Training. So that the true meaning of our way will be cultivated from an early stage in all of our people!

Study well the inner meaning behind the CODE OF THE “ZEN BU KAN   KEMPO” WARRIOR, for within them lies the key to enlightenment!

  1. The Spirit of Self-control: To control one-self is a vital part of the Warrior. Without this ability, one is nothing.

  2. The spirit of Justice: Means correct judgement in the resolution of righteousness.

  3. The Spirit of Courage: Courage is a virtue only in the cause of righteousness. To be foolhardy or be injured through false pride is considered stupidity. It is True Courage to live when it’s right to live: and die only when it’s time to die!

  4. The Spirit of Benevolence: Love, Compassion for others and nobility of feeling, are regarded as the highest attributes of the soul. Benevolence prevents the Warrior from being a Killing Machine!

  5. The Spirit of Honour:   It is easy to confuse Honour with self Pride, look well into the deeper meaning of the word!

  6. The Spirit of Loyalty:   Only in the Code of chivalrous Honour does loyalty, assume importance.                                             

  7. The Spirit of politeness:  Observe courtesy and good manners.

  8. The Spirit of Honesty:   Honesty is an extension of the Warriors Courage, as such blend it with honour!